Remember View-masters?!
December 2nd, 2011Want some stereoscopic fun? Who doesn’t?! I had just been reading Fixing My Gaze by Susan R. Barry, about her journey to Stereopsis, when I learned that Eric Drysdale (a very funny and super nice man who writes for the Colbert Report) had conceived and created an “original View-master adventure comedy”. You guys, it is awesome. It is called, The Man With F.E.E.E.T!!!! And another super funny man, Christian Finnegan stars as the crime fighter with enhanced shoes. You can order the view-master, reels and download the soundtrack. It is just about the coolest freaking idea, I wanted to punch everything when I heard about it. Yay creativity! Punch boring ideas! Here’s the site and some pics of me enjoying the adventure. BRA-VO Mr. Drysdale.